Not really sure I can add anything you don't already know but sometimes it's nice to have them written out.
- Don't make things personal - attack the ideas of your opponent and not the opponent themself
- Don't take things personally - identify ad homimen attacks and defend your arguments not your ego
- Get you opponent to define terms - and don't allow them to move the goal post
- Whenever your opponent offers a non-sequitur - grant it to them and explain why even if it's true it doesn't impact the issue
- Remember that some of the most common logical fallacies are Post Hoc Ergo Proctor Hoc, False Equivocation, False Comparison, and the Argument from Ignorance. Having a firm understanding of what they are will help you quickly identify and combat them in debate.
- Most Importantly: Don't play chess with a pigeon. If your opponent isn't engaging you with intellectual honesty or basic decency - then you're not having an honest conversation. In this case you need to either walk away (usually the best choice) or assume the moral high ground (effective if you're before an audience). If you're playing chess and your opponent starts moving pawns like they're queen pieces - it's perfectly okay to walk away from the game. And it's also perfectly okay to point out the person is either cheating or altogether doesn't understand how to play chess. Likewise, in discussion, if a person is failing to be honest or is just attacking you - it's okay to point out they're being disingenuous or out right lying.